• Star-flowered Solomons Seal / Photo by Gary Seib

Our Mission, Vision & Goals

Our Vision

Friends of Wascana Marsh strive to preserve and enhance the biodiversity of the Wascana Marsh ecosystem.

Our Mission

Friends of Wascana Marsh is committed to protecting a diverse and productive Wascana Marsh ecosystem. We provide outdoor, nature-based educational and interpretive opportunities and promote environmental sustainability within an urban setting. Through partnerships and community engagement, Friends of Wascana Marsh is developing a legacy for future generations.

Our Goals

  • To develop a plan that will protect and conserve the inhabitants and habitat of Wascana Marsh while providing access for learning, research and nature-based tourism activities.
  • To develop an interpretive plan including trails, signage, programming and other interpretive components for the purpose of educating the public through engaging and experiential opportunities within the sanctuary.
  • To promote ecotourism in a sustainable manner that offers learning opportunities to enhance the visitor's experience.
  • To develop a nature tourism hub linking a network of similar destinations to provide enhanced promotional opportunities for communities.
  • To conserve the Marsh as a living laboratory environment that promotes research and understanding of the biodiversity of Saskatchewan prairie marshlands.
  • To use the Marsh to develop and showcase sustainability where humanity lives in balance with nature.
  • To forge partnerships with leaders, educators, community supporters, and agencies to provide a world class interpretive centre in Wascana Marsh.

Our Values

Stewardship, Sustainability, Respect for the environment, Integrity, Accountability, Professionalism, Credibility, Innovative, Collaborative