• Western Painted Turtle / Photo by Jared Clarke


The Adopt a turtle Program is now complete. THANK YOU to all who donated to this program!

The Friends of Wascana Marsh financially supported the Wascana Turtle Program research in the marsh with the help of corporate sponsors including Wascana Centre Authority, Nature Regina, Regina Fish and Game League, and Boggy Creek Wildlife Federation and Nature Saskatchewan.This program was in cooperation with the University of Regina and the Royal Saskatchewan Museum as an undertaking to study and learn:

  • What areas of Wascana Marsh are critical for
    Photo credit Jared Clarke - painted turtle

    Photo credit Jared Clarke - painted turtle

    Western Painted Turtle survival?
  • Where do Painted Turtles overwinter in the marsh?
  • How many Painted Turtles are in Wascana Marsh?   
  • Western Painted Turtle Project Results                                                            
Fundraising Objectives

We raised over $14,000 to cover our commitment to this program with 50% coming from third party sponsorship and the remainder from our annual fundraising dinner.

Key Dates

The program ran for 2 years beginning the spring of 2015 and ending in the May of 2017.